
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Me!

That's right, three years ago since I tied the knot. Hooray! I can't believe it has gone so fast. We mark 9 years together in July. Surprise dinner location tonight -- it is Mr. CTK's turn to plan since we switch off years. Last year was a weekend in Bodega Bay, previous year was a week in Kauai (Hey, I planned both of those trips, so he owes me 2 years!!). This year we agreed on low key since we are trying to save in anticipation of baby expenses. (Though we did get $$ back from both state and fed this year -- note to self: change W-2)

I finished the baby sock's twin last night. They really do go so quickly that I don't know why it took me so long. Pure laziness, I guess. Then I picked up Blu and transferred from my Addi Naturas to Addi Turbos (the yarn was really catching at the join of the Naturas, so I was not enjoying the knitting process that much).

I have yarn to make socks for my grandma's birthday in a very lush pink. I still need to get to my LYS to get some size 0 needles -- am a little afraid since I've read so many stories of teeny needles snapping. I think I could probably control metal needles though, so maybe that would be best.

Sadly, my new love for Lantern Moon is thwarted in this case since they don't go down that tiny.

Then I need to fondle my Malabrigo some more. Do you think if I put it under my pillow, I'll dream of the perfect project? (or will it just act as a cat hair collector?) Supposed to work with wedding cake, though I never understood how that went -- who wants frosting potentially smushed in their pillowcase.

Plans are afoot for baby shower(s)! That is so nice.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Another big thanks to Secret Pal!!

Wheeee! Another great package arrived from my secret pal this week. It came on Thursday, but I have been too busy fondling the goodies to take photos until today.

First I pulled out some cool books and a journal. I want to make several things from Baby Knits Too -- the little moccasins (I have some of the exact yarn called for in my stash!)and the origami cardigan because it is all garter stitch on size 6 needles, so should go pretty fast.

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Then I found some yummy blue Malabrigo which my pal and her LYS describe as "yarn crack" and I can see why! Fondling goodness! Plus some cool sage green cotton/acrylic yarn.

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Then some Burt's Bees lip balm (my favorite in the whole world) and hand salve and some Eucalan and #8 Addi Turbos!!

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Yes, I was blushing at her largesse by this point.

Finally, a very cute "Parents to Be" ornament, which I was very happy to receive since I hadn't gotten one yet.

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I am going to spend some time cleaning in our front room (we are moving our bedroom here, so baby can have our current room -- but I'm keeping the closet!)today, but will surely be contemplating all of my new goodies while I do so!

A tale of 2 socks

Once there was a single lonely sock

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Happily, that sock met its mate! (see how they are kissing?)

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Then the socks had a baby! Yes, normally, socks have twins when they get together, but baby number 2 is still gestating in the bamboo cradle!

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Friday, March 03, 2006

Soooo busy

Have been so busy at work lately that I've had no time to post. At night, its a choice between knitting on the couch or blogging from the cold front room. Guess which one I've been choosing.

Here's the excitement of the day!!

edited to take down photos thanks to some worthy advice :)

Kinda freaky, huh? Top image shows profile of the face and body, bottom image is face shot showing 2 brain halves and freaky empty looking eye sockets!!