
Monday, June 13, 2005

Trip Countdown

21 days until we leave for Southeast Asia!!

Lots of trivial trip preparations to do before then. I seem not to be able to get anything done after I come home from yoga cause I'm so worn out, and now the little lazy bug in me is saying "Just don't go. Take today to get some stuff done!" Ummm, but yeah, its not like I got anything done over the weekend when I didn't go to yoga, so there.

We did have a busy weekend though. Went out to clubs on both Friday and Saturday night, and dang if I'm not getting too old to do that. But we left around midnight both nights. Saturday I went shopping in Walnut Creek w/my mom. Returned a pair of shoes & was successfully humming along at a negative shopping balance until I stopped by the Stila counter & got new makeup. Then came home & realized that I had the same colors already for two of the three things I bought, so will return some of it.

Last night we went over to our friend's house for dinner. Had delicious grilled foods & played w/their 8 month old little girl & ate outside until mosquitos drove us in.

Oh yeah, we got the last round of vaccinations done for SEA plus bought the mega-dose of bug repellant, plus this stuff you spray on your clothes to make them insect repellant. (Lazy bug: oh, your arm still sorta hurts, so maybe you should skip yoga today)

Singing lesson on Sunday -- last week we discovered that I hear too much of the accompaniment of a song & this throws me off key when singing the melody. So, I need to work on feeling the beat of the song & listening for cues in the accompaniment.

Swatched Knitpicks "Shine" for Knitty's Kyoto and am IN LOVE with that yarn. So soft and lovely AND my gauge was correct, so I don't have to do any mathematical computations to correct for using a yarn different from that in the pattern. Yay!


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