
Monday, November 07, 2005

Another (sheddy) FO!

So this weekend, even though I was busy with all sorts of social plans, I finished my Celtic scarf. AND, I cast on for the second sleeve of Sitcom Chic & did 30 rows. Mr. CTK had to work last night, so I somewhat suspect my progress was assisted by no talking in the house. :)

See, I really cannot talk *and* knit efficiently at the same time. The name don't lie. (though it is really taken from an episode of The Simpsons)

I wore said scarf sans washing or blocking to work today. Fortunately, I made the wise decision not to wear the navy suit I was thinking about. My black pants suffered a bit, so I had to wrap tape around my hand and lift off the pink fuzz. It didn't seem to shed as I was knitting, but since I do most knitting in my jammies, perhaps I didn't notice/care.

This weekend we went to a friend's club on Friday, a joint birthday party at another friend's house on Saturday (where I brought delicious cakes from Sweet Adeline's in North Oakland -- chocolate and a coconut that was to die for), and then got up at the crack o' dawn to drive to Sacramento for a baptism party for another friend's two children. We only got to stay 2 hours because of Mr. CTK's work schedule. So we spent 4 hours plus of driving time, to spend two hours there. Sigh.

But, it was worth it because we arranged our annual TAMALE party with those friends and another family for the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We get together, eat & drink all day, and make enough tamales that everyone can take some home. YUM!!

I was reading the rest of the Sitcom Chic pattern yesterday for the 20000th time, and really cannot figure out how the directions create what I see in the picture. At least I know it is a good pattern, so I'll just need to trust in it. But, I will troll the knitty boards just in case before I start on that portion. I'm hoping to complete the 2nd sleeve this week so I can get onto the top portion this weekend. Then I might even have time to make a few more knitted Christmas gifts.

Oh yeah, my other exciting Knitting Knews is that I bought a SWIFT! Joann's had a 40% off coupon, so I snapped it up. Have been bidding on ball winders on Ebay & keep losing, so I think I need to just buy one directly. Ebay frustrates me -- I go on thinking that I can get a bargain, but someone always drives the price up at the last minute. I'd much rather pay one price out right than wait out the auction only to lose out.



  • I am boycotting eBay right now. Or any eBay sale that isn't a Buy It Now auction. I just can't take the stress and uncertainty!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:59 PM  

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