
Saturday, April 08, 2006

And finally,...Secret Pal package photos

Here they are, and once again you can see I'm super spoiled.

First two books for me: Debbie Bliss Knitting for Babies (lots of fun ideas here) and The Yarn Harlot's meditations, which is sitting on my coffee table and making me laugh out loud *everytime* I pick it up! Now I'm bound to go find her other books.

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Then, 2 books for baby (whee! another book-aholic in the making), some gummy worms (being rapidly consumed as I type), and some new knitting needles!!

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And I got some gorgeous pale green yarn and some yummy foot soaks for when my ankles turn into tree trunks. (And what better way to spend the foot soak time than by knitting?!?)

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More yarn -- some soft fuzzy colors that I think would make a great baby blanket. Right now I'm thinking 3 wide strips, but maybe I'll get a little more adventuresome since the fuzziness will likely induce garter stitch.

Also, a skein of brown 100% silk yarn that's all for mommy. I'm thinking some sort of delicate little scarf.

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Finally, gorgeous stitch markers (currently in use on socks for my grandma)! There were more than this (but I thought the detail would show better in the photo if I just showed a sampling), all different, and made just for me. Wowoowow! I've never had fancy stitch markers, so these are really fun.

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And just to show that I am not the only one in the house that enjoys the packages:

Max really liked the tissue in the box

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Apologies for the varying sizes of photos -- I was experimenting with what works best on the blog when I reduce them on Photobucket.

Thanks a million to my brilliant secret pal!! Come tell me who you are now. :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Quick update on Blu

One pant leg of Blu is done!! Even though it is a lot of stockinette stitch, I still enjoyed watching this project appear.

Mr. CTK finally said, "Oh, I get it, the light part is where the cuff is supposed to be turned up."

Full leg shot

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Close up of the Phony Seam, which was pretty fun to do, once I got over the fear of unraveling a stitch all the way down the side of the leg!

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Also, here is the before and 1/2 of the after (for some reason, that photo didn't load correctly, but now I've fixed that through the miracles of editing) of the chair we got recovered. My parents bought this chair early on in their marriage (which hit 43 years in February), so it had sentimental value, but we are also thrilled with how it came out.

Before (old and cat clawed)

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After (beautiful, if 1/2 cut off in photo)-- edited to add correct view of chair!

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's a photo party!!

OK, so I am finally un-lazy enough to post some of those photos I've been promising.

Without further ado,

21 Weeks
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23 Weeks
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24 Weeks -- I think these maternity jeans make my belly look bigger than the pjs which have no supportive belly band, but you can see my waist losing definition!

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OK, I must go get dinner now. But now that I have the photos loaded, I can actually sneak and post at work. Heh heh.

Check out my new button

OK, no photos yet, but I did add a new "I sniff yarn" button down below.

Thanks to Grumperina for posting them on her blog.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Another faboo package from my SP!

I have tons of photos to show off my last (sniff!) package from my SP, but have been busy the last several nights, so haven't gotten to uploading the photos to the computer yet.

I also have photos of our fabulously recovered chair (actually, before and after photos).

Plus, belly shots from weeks 21, 23 and 24. My back, however, is kinda hurty, so don't know if I will get to it tonight. Prenatal yoga might be more the order of the day.

Oh yes, and I finished pant leg #1 of Blu from Knitty. I love the way it is looking and am very proud of my ability to correctly interpret the pattern to do the phoney seam -- a technique invented by E. Zimmerman, doncha know?